Creating Teaching Resources Tutorials Part 1

Hey All!

I will be going live on FB page on Wednesday! Talking about my creating process. I really believe every teacher should have the abilty to create quality resources for their classroom. With that being said, I'm all for purchasing items that's why I sell too! Last year so many other teachers resources helped me while i was pregnant and teaching (ick). Click the image below, or click my Facebook sideboard so you can tune in!

I am so grateful for my skill to create teaching resources. Although much of it has been trial and error on my part, their are tutorials that have really helped me. I am such a visual person so watching people using a program really helps me more than reading! These are some of my favorites:

First of all I LOVE Kayse Morris. If you want to know more about teachers pay teachers her YouTube Channel is Great! Her beginner video is more about tpt, but if you fast forward to around 7:22 in the below video she go overs some great basics like how to change the dimensions in your PowerPoint, inserting images, and pointers for making a cover page.

Farrah Kilgo on Youtube... also goes through how to make a printable! Another great one to check out!

This video from Amy Lemons was also another Game changer for me. Just watching her do simple things like how to make it align it for you, or transforming your text! Another great one!

That's all for now! Check out more later!
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