Day 1: Black History Part 1

Okay I have a goal... 30 blog posts in 30 days... can I guarantee it will all be about teaching? Not sure! But here it goes.
Today I am starting of blogging about yesterday, and working with Mrs. Guptill's first grade classroom on Rosa Parks. Mrs. Guptill has some great groups for guided reading set up, and so she had me come in and help them with their Rosa Parks Tri-Fold/Reading. The students were reading the book pictured below (click on it to purchase at amazon)

I chose this book as the recommendation to read with your students when reading about Rosa Parks. I like it as it is at a Level 2 so a more wide range of students cat read it. My vocabulary in my unit goes along with this book.

If I were doing this whole group I have a kindle edition of this book through Amazon and would have read it aloud with that to the whole class. Yesterday we did it small group. We gathered around the table. Took turns reading it, and also chorale read. We just ran through the first two sections of the tri-fold as we just worked for about 20ish minutes. Pictured below are some different students tri-folds:

Check out what else can be found in my Rosa Parks Bundle below!:

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