Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch Part 2!

The Tri-Fold!!! I love tri-folds! They are such a great tool to test comprehension, without the feeling of a formal assessment. I like to do student drawings in my Tri-folds as I feel it helps cement their ideas. In my last post I talked a lot about student drawings so as you can see it goes on through out the unit ;). Not going to say a ton about the tri-fold as I feel pictures really are worth a thousand words, but click on the pic and it will take you to the product.
I also included again this lovely teacher's bulletin board display for a couple of reason. She added a title to the top of it. Also because I wanted to point out how do you notice that's a white board. For those of you who struggling constantly switching out paper for the back drop, what a great idea if you have a bunch of white boards in your room (as this teacher does). Just use magnets and the switch is a synch! I also like how it is above the library and in the classroom. So students can enjoy their work, and it encourages them to read their other classmates work. Win-win!
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