St Patricks Day NO PREP

I have to be honest I completely forgot I had made a no prep pack. This pack is a couple years old. Once you've made so many items they just start running all together in your brain. My mom mentioned it to me, and how much she liked it. I still thought it needed a little extra though so I added a headband craft for your students to enjoy. This is something that my students always loved, and I could always incorporate a simple writing assignment with it. They wear those silly headbands proudly out to their bus! The no prep part of printables has math, writing, and reading sheets. The main focus of this set is grades 1-2. Click the image below to take you to the product:
So when I made the headband I tried it on my babies tiny head! Poor thing will forever be my guinea pig for my resources she's just getting started in the modeling ;). But I mean really how cute is this face. She ripped it off and destroyed it soon after smiling the whole time. Be on the look out this week as I will try to post a freebie again on the blog <3.
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