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Emily Education

Dinosaur Unit Activities

Dinosaur Unit Activities

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This is a Dinosaur Unit which will get your students so excited to learn about DINOSAURS. PERFECT for HOMESCHOOLING!!!!! Packed full with fact filled dinosaur poems about multiple dinosaurs, paleontologist writing and craft, fact and opinion dino headband, foldable readers, graphic organizer for dinosaur information and more!!

Teacher Lay-Out Lesson Plan for 9+ Days; video links, mentor text suggestions and more!!!!

Teaching Vocab Cards

Student Made Vocab Flash Cards

Class Dinosaur Graphic Organizer Chart

Student Dinosaur Graphic Organizer Chart

Picture Posters of Dinosaurs and Headers

Student Title Page for Packet

A Poem for Each of the following Dinosaurs; Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Ichthyosaurus, Mammoth, Pterodactyl, Sabre Tooth Tiger, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor

5 Fab Things About Dinosaurs Sheet

A Life of a Dinosaur Page

If I were a Dinosaur… Writing Page

If I were a carnivore Dinosaur…

If I were a herbivore

If I were an omnivore

Color by Dino Word

Dino Mystery Picture

Dino Fact and opinion Headband Craft

Paleontologist Writing and Craft

My Dino Timeline of Eras

My Dino Project Sheet for Parents

Read it, trace it, write it, rainbow write it

Foldable Books for the Following Dinosaurs Herbivores, Omnivores, and Carnivores with Comprehension Foldable books

Paleontologist Foldable Book with Comprehension Question Foldable Book

Dinosaur Activities | Dinosaur No Prep | Dinosaur Worksheets | Dinosaur Printables | Dinosaur Preschool Activities | Dinosaur Literacy | Dinosaur Math | Dinosaur Numbers | Dinosaur Centers | Dinosaur Coloring | Dinosaur Fine Motor | Dinosaur Preschool | Dinosaur Kindergarten | Dinosaur Pre-k | Dinosaur Transitional Kinder | Dinosaur Ideas

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