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Have a Very Marley Christmas Writing and Craftivity

Have a Very Marley Christmas Writing and Craftivity

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Have a Very Marley Christmas Writing and Craftivity
How to use it:
I pair this with the book “Have a Very Marley Christmas” by John Grogan. I read this to my students. We then have a
discussion about what would happen if a dog like Marley got into their house during the holiday season. The ideas they come up with really are funny. We then write little poems that start and end with “No Marley, No!”.

Directions for Craftivity Part:
Print different pieces on the color that each page
says. Make sure that you have one of each page
for each child. For the center of the eyes have
black construction paper on hand for students
To make the pupils. For the tongue cut pink
construction paper in half and trim corners or have
Your students trim the corners.


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