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Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon 2nd Grade Supplement Activities

Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon 2nd Grade Supplement Activities

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Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon
Journeys 2nd Grade
Supplement Activities
Unit 1
Lesson 3
Focus Wall Anchor Posters p.5-15
Roll a Spelling Word p.16-18
Color Me By High Frequency Word p.19-20
Vocab Flip-Flap p.21-24
Author’s Purpose Writing Page p.25
Multiple Meaning Puppies p.26-31
Statements and Questions of Mudge Flip-Flap p.32-33
Author’s Purpose Flip-Flap p.34-35
Henry and Mudge Under The Yellow Moon Tri- Fold p.36-37
Spelling and High Frequency Practice p.38-39
Thanks + Credits p.40

Explanation of Pack

Roll a Spelling Word- For this activity I put my students in pairs. They will need one dice. I usually have them share the dice. They roll the dice to know what spelling word to write.
Color Me By High Frequency Word- This a coloring activity where students practice the High Frequency Words of the week. These are GREAT for bell work.
Vocab Flip-Flap- Print these pages back to back. Students fold these pages “hotdog” ways. They fill out the foldable accordingly. If they are struggling with the definition portion, they can look it up in the glossary at the back of their book.
Author’s Purpose Writing Page- Students can use this page to practice author’s purpose with any book.
Multiple Meaning Puppies- This is an adorable activity/ craft that helps students practice multiple meaning words.
Statements and Questions of Mudge Flip-Flap- Print these pages front to back. Students fill it out about statements and questions.
Author’s Purpose Flip-Flap- Print these pages front to pack. Students will fold it “hot dog” ways. They will fill it out about the author’s purpose of the week's selection.
Henry and Mudge Under The Yellow Moon Tri- Fold- Print these pages front to back. Students will fold it like a brochure. Then fill it out about the week’s selection.
Spelling and High Frequency Practice- Students will read, trace, write, and rainbow write the spelling words and High Frequency words of the week.

Common Core Addressed
Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.
This is addressed in the spelling and High Frequency Word Practice.
Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
This is addressed n the spelling and High Frequency practice.
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
This is addressed in the Tri-Fold.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
This is addressed in the statements and questions flip-flap.


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