Violet's Music Supplement Materials Journeys 2nd Grade
Violet's Music Supplement Materials Journeys 2nd Grade
Violet’s Music
Journeys 2nd Grade
Unit 3
Lesson 12
Focus Wall Posters
Roll a Spelling Word
Kinds of Sentences Foldable
Don’t Take Me Literally Sheet for Idioms
Musical Story Structure Mobile
In My Opinion the best kind of music is…
Violet’s Music Vocab Foldable
Spelling and High Frequency Practice
If I was a rock star singer writing and craft
Explanation of Pack
Kinds of Sentences Flip flap : Print back to back
and fill out accordingly.
2. Don’t Take Me Literslly: a idiom's practice page
3. Musical Story Structure Mobile : This is a mobile
That students fill out about Violet’s Music.
4. In My Opinion the best kind of music is… : This is
An opinion writing page that students write about
Why they think a certain kind of music is the best.
5. Violet’s Music Vocab Foldable: Print these
Pages back to back. Students fold these pages “hot
dog” ways. They fill out the flip flap accordingly.
If they are struggling with the definition portion,
they can look it up in the glossary at the back of
their book.
6. Spelling and High Frequency Practice: This is
helping practice spelling words and high frequency
words. They practice tracing, writing, and rainbow
writing the words
7. If I was a rock star singer writing and craft:
Students write about what they would act like or do
If they could sing like a rock star. They then do the
fun craft.
Emily Education