Working in Space Journeys 2nd Grade Supplement Activities Lesson 28
Working in Space Journeys 2nd Grade Supplement Activities Lesson 28
Color by High Frequency Word p.5-6
Roll a Spelling Word p.7-9
Vocab Flip-Flaps p.10-13
What’s the Purpose? p.14
Space Words Vs. Earth Words p. 15-16
Possessive Nouns Interactive Journal Page p.17-18
If I traveled to Space Writing & Craft Mobile p.19-25
Tri-Fold for Working in Space p.26-27
Space Project p.28-29
Spelling and High Frequency Practice p.30-31
Thanks & Credits p.32
Color by High Frequency Word- Student practice the High Frequency Words in this activity.
Roll a Spelling Word- Students will need a dice for this activity. They will roll the dice to see what spelling word to write.
Vocab Flip-Flaps- Print these pages front to back. Students fill these out about the vocab words of the week. They may struggle with the definition portion. Remind them that all the words can be found in the glossary at the back of their book.
What’s the Purpose?- This is a sheet to practice Author’s Purpose for the story “Working in Space”.
Space Words Vs. Earth Words- This is a cut and paste activity where students will practice categorizing “Earth Words” and “Space Words”. I suggest for your higher students challenge them by having them write a story with ALL the words.
Possessive Nouns Interactive Journal- This is an interactive journal page to practice recognizing and writing plural and singular possessive nouns.
If I traveled to Space Writing & Craft Mobile- This is an adorable activity for students to write about what it would be like if they traveled to space. I have provided a lot of writing space. As this unit is at the end of the year I do expect a lot more writing and detail out of my students.
Tri-Fold for Working in Space- Print these pages front to back. Students will fill these out about the week’s selection.
Space Project- This is a set of sheets that can be sent home for a project.
Spelling and High Frequency Practice- Students will read, trace, write, and rainbow write the spelling words of the week.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area.
This is addressed in the Tri-Fold and the Vocab Flip-Flaps. This is also addressed in the categorizing words activity.
Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
This is addressed in the Tri-Fold
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
This is addressed in the Spelling and High Frequency Word Activities.
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
This is addressed in the writing activity.