Chester's Way
Chester's Way
Chester's Way by. Kevin Henkes A Complete Book Study! Crafts, printables, and more!
Teacher Vocab Word Cards
Vocab Flash Cards
Color Me By Sight Word
“I Have My Own Way Too!” Booklet
Letter to Chester
Understanding Characters Poster
An Understanding Characters Craft
Compare & Contrast Lilly and Wilson/Chester
How I became friends with… Writing Page
Comprehension Tri-Fold
Teacher Vocab Word Cards- Printable cards to help you teach vocabulary from the story.
Vocab Flash Cards- Students practice their understanding of the vocabulary words. They draw a picture of each word to help them know what each word means.
Color Me By Sight Word- Students color and find sight words that are found in the story
“I Have My Own Way Too!” Booklet- This is a great activity where students get to celebrate how they are different. They fill out the booklet with things they always or never do. When they are done have them read it to a partner!
Letter to Chester- Students write a letter to the character Chester.
Understanding Characters Poster- A poster to help you explain the comprehension strategy “Understanding Characters” that is in mouse theme!
An Understanding Characters Craft- An adorable craft where students practice the comprehension strategy understanding characters.
Compare & Contrast Lilly and Wilson/Chester- A comparing and contrasting sheet for comparing and contrasting the different characters.
How I became friends with… Writing Page- A writing page where students get to think about a time they became friends with someone, and how it happened.
Comprehension Tri-Fold- Print front to back and fold like a brochure. Students fill this out about the story.
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