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Kamishibai Man Journeys 3rd Grade Unit 2 Lesson 9 Common Core Aligned

Kamishibai Man Journeys 3rd Grade Unit 2 Lesson 9 Common Core Aligned

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Kamishibai Man
Journeys 3rd Grade
Unit 2 Lesson 9
Common Core Aligned

The first few pages of the product are cover, table of contents, explanation of pack, and common core alignment.

Vocab Flip-Flap- Print these pages back to back. Students fold these pages “hot dog” ways. They fill out the flip flap accordingly. If they are struggling with the definition portion, they can look it up in the glossary at the back of their book.
ABC Spelling- Students put the spelling words in alphabetical order. When they are done the pick 7 of the words, and put it in sentences on the back
Cause and Effect Bicycle Wheels- This is a craft/ art project where students practice recognizing cause and effect from the story.
Multiple Meaning Interactive Journal Page- Students will need to write out the different meanings on the cards. They then cut them out, and put them into the correct pocket inside their interactive journal.
Abstract Nouns Interactive Journal Page- Students will write down what an abstract noun is under the first flap. Under the second flap have them list some examples.
Analyze Illustrations Booklet- This is your students opportunity to really examine the illustrations, and see how it helps them understand the text more fully. They will first need to sketch it out, then below write out how it help them understand it.
Spelling Practice- You will need a dice for this activity. Students will roll to find out what spelling word to write. They keep going until all squares are filled. They also pick some of the words, and put them into sentences.
Comprehension Tri-Fold- Print front to back and fold like a brochure. Students fill this out about the story.

These materials were prepared by a teacher in Washington and have neither been developed, reviewed, nor endorsed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, publisher of the original Journeys work on which this material is based.

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