Lesson 9 Journeys 1st Grade Supplement Activities Unit 2
Lesson 9 Journeys 1st Grade Supplement Activities Unit 2
Lesson 9
Unit 2
Journeys 1st Grade
Supplement Activities
***Focus Wall posters are in their own pdf in the zip file
Roll a Spelling Word p.5-7
Vocab Flash Cards p.8
Color Me By Words to Know/ Spelling p.9-10
Questions for an author p.11
Antonym Falling Apples Craft p.12-17
Biography Brochure p.18-21
Text and Graphic Features Booklet p. 22
Lesson 9 Tri Fold p.23-24
Spelling and High Frequency Practice p.25
Thanks & Credits p.26
Roll a Spelling Word- You will need a dice for this activity. Students will roll to find out what spelling word to write. They keep going until all squares are filled.
Vocab Flash Cards- Student practice the vocab words of the week by drawing pictures of the different vocab words.
Color Me By Words to Know/ Spelling- This is a coloring activity to practice the high frequency words and spelling words of the week.
Questions for an author- This is a sheet that students can write down questions they have for the author.
Antonym Falling Apples Craft- This is an adorable craft to practice antonyms.
Biography Brochure- This is a project that is great to tie in with the week’s story. Print the brochure pages back to back on cardstock for best success for your students.
Text and Graphic Features Booklet- This is a booklet for students to do with you to help teach text and graphic features.
Lesson 9 Tri Fold- Print these sheets front to back. Students fold it like a brochure. Fill it out about the week’s selection.
Spelling and High Frequency Practice- Students will read, trace, write, and rainbow write the high frequency words and spelling words.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
These two standards are addressed in the tri-fold, and text and graphic features booklet.
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
These two standards are addressed in the high frequency and spelling practice.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
This is addressed in the antonym craft.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
This is addressed in the Vocab Flash