Now and Ben Supplement Activities 2nd Grade Lesson 30
Now and Ben Supplement Activities 2nd Grade Lesson 30
Now and Ben
Supplement Activities
2nd Grade
Unit 6
Lesson 30
Roll a Spelling Word p.5-7
Vocab Flip-Flaps p.8-11
My List of Prepositions Sheet & Write a Story Using Prepositions p.12-13
Color Me By High Frequency Word p.14-15
My Dictionary Entry Booklet p.16-18
Compare and Contrast Now and Ben Venn Diagram p.19
Now and Ben Tri-Fold p.20-21
My Invention Project & Booklet p.22-28
Spelling and High Frequency Word Practice p.29-30
Thanks + Credits p.31
Roll a Spelling Word: This is a spelling activity that you will also need dice. They will roll to see what word to write.
Vocab Flip-Flaps: Print these Pages back to back. Students fold these pages “hot dog” ways. They fill out the flip flap accordingly. If they are struggling with the definition portion, they can look it up in the glossary at the back of their book.
My List of Prepositions Sheet & Write a Story Using Prepositions: These are two activities that are done together to help understand what prepositions are and how to use them in writing.
Color Me By High Frequency Word: Students practice the High Frequency Words of the work in this “Color Me By” activity.
My Dictionary Entry Booklet: This is an activity where students will practice making Dictionary Entries.
Compare and Contrast Now and Then Venn Diagram: Students compare and contrast the story in this Venn Diagram.
Now and Ben Tri-Fold: Print these pages front to back. Students will fold it like a brochure then fill it out about the week’s selection.
My Invention Project & Booklet: This is a project that can be done at home or school. I have supplied you with ideas and materials for both options.
Spelling and High Frequency Word Practice: Students read, trace, write, and rainbow write the spelling words and High Frequency Words of the week.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
This is addressed in the proposition activity.
Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.
This is addressed in the spelling and High Frequency Word Practice.
Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
This is addressed n the spelling and High Frequency practice.
Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
This is addressed in the Tri-Fold.