The Mysterious Tadpole Journeys 2nd Grade Supplement Activities Lesson 26
The Mysterious Tadpole Journeys 2nd Grade Supplement Activities Lesson 26
The Mysterious Tadpole
Journeys 2nd Grade
Supplement Activities
Unit 6
Lesson 26
Focus Wall Posters for all main Focuses of the week
Froggy Predictions Page
Color Me By High Frequency Word Pages
Contraction Word Team-Up Activity
Captain Contraction Poem
Roll a Spelling Word Pages
Multiple Meaning Frogs Craft
Vocab Flip-Flaps
Story Structure Jumping Frogs
Life Cycle of A Frog Foldable Book
The Mysterious Tadpole Tri-Fold
Froggy Predictions- Students practice making predictions of any book.
Color Me By High Frequency Word- Students practice the high frequency words of the week through this activity.
Contraction Word Team-Up- Students practice pairing up what two words make which contractions in this cut and paste activity.
Captain Contraction Poem- This is a poem to help understand and learn about contractions in a new way.
Roll a Spelling Word- This is a spelling activity that you will also need dice. They will roll to see what word to write.
Multiple Meaning Frogs- This is an adorable craft to practice multiple meaning words.
Vocab Flip-Flaps- Print these Pages back to back. Students fold these pages “hot dog” ways. They fill out the flip flap accordingly. If they are struggling with the definition portion, they can look it up in the glossary at the back of their book.
Story Structure Jumping Frogs- Another adorable frog craft that helps practice story structure.
Life Cycle of A Frog Foldable Book- Students practice writing out the frog lifecycle in this foldable book.
The Mysterious Tadpole Tri-Fold- Print these pages front to back. Student will fold it like a brochure. They will then use the week’s selection answer the questions in the tri-fold.
Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
This is addressed in the tri-fold and story structure frog.
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
This is addressed in the tri-fold and story structure frog.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
This is addressed in the spelling and high frequency word activities.
Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives.
This is addressed in the contraction activities.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
This is addressed in the vocabulary foldable and multiple meaning words activity.
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