Words Their Way Letter Name Alphabetic Spellers Same-Vowel Word Families
Words Their Way Letter Name Alphabetic Spellers Same-Vowel Word Families
Words Their Way Letter Name Alphabetic Spellers Activities to teach Unit 2 Same-Vowel Word Families with Pictures. Sorts 6-12. Helps you stay organized with a day to day layout/ lesson plan. Engaging low prep activities to keep your students interested!
Teacher Lay-Out for what to teach and have the small group do for 30+ Days
Picture and Word Family Cards for Teaching
Word Family Headband Sorts: A fun and engaging way to keep students interested in the sort, and practice writing the words as they trace them!
No Prep Sort Color Sheets for Same-Vowel Word Families
Word Work for Word Families
Word Family Interactive Foldable Readers/Books. For the following word families: -at, -ad, -an, -ap, -ag, -op, -ot, -og, -et, -eg, -en, -ug, -ut, -un, ig, ip, ill
*I have laid out how I personally would teach each day. Please change as needed for your classroom needs. I recommend doing these small group.
**This in no way replaces the book Words Their Way, but gives you ways to supplement the program to better accommodate your learners. You will need the book Word Sorts for Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers to be able to fully use this product
*** I am not affiliated with Words Their Way in anyway. This product was created by a teacher in Washington.